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The visual system undergoes profound developmental changes in the first years of life - especially during infancy and as a toddler.


10 million children in the US have undetected vision problems and only 51% of children ages 6 -16 have had a comprehensive eye exam. Yearly eye care is vital to success in the classroom.


Yearly vision exams are an important part of preventative health care. Early diagnosis and treatment of eye health and vision problems can ensure success in your daily activities and prevent vision loss.


As our eyes age we become more prone to chronic eye disorders such as Glaucoma, Cataracts, and Macular Degeneration. An annual eye exam is a simple way to keep tabs on your eye and overall health.


      In this critical first year, your baby’s brain and eyes begin to coordinate images and remember what they’ve seen. 

Your baby’s vision is one of the most important links to their new world.  While each eye has the physical structure it needs to begin to see, the two eyes haven’t learned to work together yet.


      The best way to help keep your baby's eyes healthy is through regular professional examinations. Chances are your pediatrician will examine your baby’s eyes in one of the first few visits. This simple examination will determine if there are any early vision or eye concerns. Babies should have a comprehensive eye exam by a licensed eye doctor between six and twelve months.


Here are symptoms to pay attention to:

-Crossed eyes = one eye turning in or out

-Drooping eyelid

-Pink or red eyes

-Watery eyes


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Infant Eye Exams


      Many vision problems begin at an early age, it’s very important that children receive proper eye care. Poor eyesight can also affect learning ability, athletic performance, and self-esteem. Untreated eye conditions can worsen and lead to more serious problems. 


Warning signs of vision problems include: 

-Holding a book close to eyes


-Rubbing eyes or excessive blinking

-Sensitivity to light

-Excessive tearing

-Closing one eye to see better

-Avoiding certain activities; close (reading) or far (playing ball)

-Complaining of headaches


      Some issues require no treatment, while others may be corrected easily with eyeglasses, or other forms of correction. Yearly eye examinations are the best way to make sure your child's vision is optimal.


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     If you already wear eye glasses or contact lenses, you'll want to keep up with the changes in your vision by updating your prescription, but you also want to be certain there’s no vision problem beginning to develop.

      Even if you’ve never worn eyeglasses or corrective lenses, chances are you know about nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), or astigmatism but there is another condition call presbyopia which occurs as we get into our 40's and beyond.

      Presbyopia is a normal, natural part of our eyes’ aging process, and it happens to just about everyone. As we age, the flexibility of the lens in the eye hardens and loses elasticity. The loss of elasticity in the lens makes it difficult to adjust properly while  focusing on near objects. You may start to experience blurry vision when reading or looking at your smartphone. 

Here are symptoms to pay attention to:

- Hazy vision distance or near

-Loss of peripheral vision

-Sandy or gritty eyes

-Excessive tearing or itching

-Fluctuating vision

-Floating spots or flashes

-Frequent headaches


     Want more information? Call or Schedule an Appointment Today



      Your eyesight changes as you get older, sometimes significantly – that’s why regular eye exams are even more important as we age. Don't skip your recommended annual eye exams.

      Many eye diseases have no early symptoms; they may be painless, and you may see no change in your vision until the disease has become quite advanced. If you are experiencing any unusual vision symptoms, schedule an appointment  immediately.

      If you are diabetic or have a family history of eye disease such as cataracts, glaucoma, or macular degeneration pay attention to the following symptoms:


-Loss of central or side vision

-Cloudy or distorted vision

-Dark or wavy central vision

-Floating spots and flashes of light


Want more information? Call or Schedule an Appointment Today


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